Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Capital District PNHP applies for grants

September 2006 – Our chapter plays a central role in two grants submitted to NYS Health Foundation. The first grant, in collaboration with the Hunger Action Network of New York State, Metro NY PNHP and Rekindling Reform, requests funding for a Lewin Group study of a potential single payer funding mechanism in order to provide health care for all New Yorkers, along with a set of before and after public hearings to best shape the study. The second grant, in collaboration with the State University at Albany, will develop a feasibility study for implementing a single payer system in the Capital District. (Submitted by Paul Winkeller)
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Our Annual Chapter Meeting

Please attend our upcoming annual meeting, where we will review the many accomplishments of our new PNHP chapter and set a course for another year of progress toward achieving our common goal of health care for all New Yorkers!

PNHP NY Capital District Annual Chapter Meeting
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Location: Latham Med-Ped office, 724 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110, a few yards west of exit 5 (Latham) of the Northway..

2:30-3:00 Refreshments and conversation
3:00-4:15 Business meeting
Treasurer's report (Beatrice Kovasznay)
Executive Director's report on 2005-6 (Paul Winkeller)
Election of new Executive Committee
Plans for 2006-7
4:15-4:30 Break
4:30-5:30 Discussion of health reform (based on Len Rodberg's PowerPoint slides)

If you plan on coming, please RSVP via email to Paul Winkeller.
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