Monday, October 30, 2006

Pace Poll: New Yorkers favor a government-run health insurance plan

This via the Brian Lehrer show on WNYC.

A new poll by Pace University/New York Magazine/WCBS 2 News/WNYC asked New Yorkers to compare single-payer health insurance with an individual mandate to purchase private insurance, along the lines of the Massachusetts plan. Evidently, Mr. Lehrer himself put forward the idea for the question.

This morning during his "Pacing Politics" segment Brian Lehrer struck a note of astonishment that 48% of New Yorkers support the abolition of private health insurance in favor of a solitary publicly financed government-run plan, while 35% supported a statewide mandate that individuals purchase private health insurance.

The overall poll sought to gauge public opinion on a variety of candidates and issues on the eve of the elections; there was only one question on health care.

The results do not add up to 100% - at this point we only have the data via the link above.

The actual question -- as it appeared for the pollsters to ask:

Question 43:

Now I'm going to read you some statements about health insurance, which helps people pay doctors' bills and other medical expenses. When I am done, please tell me which one you agree with more.

Statement A:
Some/Other people say that New York State should require people without health insurance to buy it and that the government should help people pay for health insurance if they can't affort it. They say that many unisured people are young, healthy, and financially well-off, so their failure to buy health insurance forces the rest of us to pay more than our fait share of the high cost of caring for the sick.

Statement B:
Some/Other people say that New York State should create a government-run health insurance program to replace private health insurance companies and provide health insurance to everyone. They say that the private insurance companies drive up the cost of health care by acting as useless middlemen between doctors and patients, and they say that people in other countries spend less money on health care while enjoying better health because they don't waste money on insurance

Which statement do you agree with more?


22% strongly agree with A
13% somewhat agree with A
29% strongly agree with B
19% somewhat agree with B

Overall (by 48% to 35%) New Yorkers favor a "government-run health insurance program" to a plan that would "require people without health insurance to buy it."


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