Sunday, October 21, 2007

Leadership training held in Albany

The campaign for president and the impending failure of recent state-based health reform efforts like the one in Massachusetts have brought a new focus and forum for advocates for national health insurance. Michael Moore's documentary "SiCKO!" further enlightens the debate. With plans for continuing grassroots efforts and anticipating the DVD release of the movie, activists in Albany, New York met to make plans to win new supporters for single-payer national health insurance.

Over 40 single payer advocates attended a leadership training session titled "From Sicko to Single-Payer, Learning to Speak Out for National Health Insurance" on Saturday, October 13, in Hyuck Auditorium at Albany Medical Center. The meeting was hosted by the Capital District Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) and co-sponsored by Albany Medical College Student Perspectives in Activism, the New York State League of Women Voters, the Capital District Alliance for Universal Healthcare and Albany Medical College student chapter of PNHP. In attendance were medical students, labor union leaders and activists, pastors, physicians, nurses, therapists and other health workers, retirees and others.

The meeting developed from summer activities at a local theater run of Michael Moore's movie "SiCKO!" including the distribution of some 14,000 leaflets at movie showings. When the movie came out the New York State Nurses Association organized a preview of "SiCKO!", and a few days later, when the movie opened at the Spectrum Theater in Albany, about 50 medical students, invited by the Albany Medical Student chapter of PNHP, attended the film wearing white coats. The New York chapter of the American College of Physicians subsequently hosted a special showing of the film for its members. An ad hoc coalition then decided to arrange the leadership training at Albany Medical Center.

During the five-hour workshop PNHP leaders Paul Sorum and Andy Coates made presentations on how to speak out for national insurance. Lively and spontaneous discussions emerged among participants all day long and the meeting found an extensive exploration of the issues. Mark Dunlea of the Hunger Action Network presented advice about talking to politicians. The session culminated with 31 of the participants getting up individually in front of the room to give their own unscripted answers to a selection of challenging questions commonly asked of single payer advocates. Participants took home a dense and comprehensive information packet put together for each participant by Euthemia Matsoukas and Paul Winkeller.

The workshop graduates are now prepared to argue for single payer in a variety of venues around the Capital District. They are ready to talk to any groups you can identify, including home parties to discuss SiCKO. Please email us to set up speaking engagements, would like one of our information packets or would like to be part of our online discussion forum.


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