Wednesday, July 08, 2009

President of the USW union supports Single-Payer

Paul Jay speaks to Leo Gerard, President of the United Steelworkers' union about
his fight for single-payer health care reform and the unionization legislation.
Gerard says that, "the unions are first and foremost going to be very active in the fight to pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) and the fight for health care reform.
"Speaking on the proposals of the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Gerard says, "I think Senator [Max] Baucus (D-MT) is off the mark," because the Senator's proposal to tax employer provided health care will, "drive more people out of the health care system."
Leo W. Gerard is a steelworker and president of the United Steelworkers (USW).
He was involved in the formation of the Industrial Union Council of the AFL-CIO, and in February 2003, was appointed to serve on the AFL-CIO's Executive Committee, as well as serving on its Executive Council.
He was named Chair of the AFL-CIO's Public Policy Committee in March 2005.

Source: The Real News Network


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